艾威梯(www.ivtcorporation.com)是世界领先的拥有自主知识产权的蓝牙软硬件及系统解决方案提供商,是蓝牙国际组织SIG的高级会员,是中国(包括港澳台地区)唯一参与蓝牙核心协议制定的公司。艾威梯与其它在标准制订过程中做出突出贡献的国际知名公司如Intel、IBM、Broadcom、Ericsson、Qualcomm等被并列为优秀开发者,由SIG组织在其官方网站首页予以公示。2008年艾威梯成为英特尔(Intel)指定的MID蓝牙软件全球供应商。艾威梯在全球范围内拥有一百五十多家客户,包括许多着名的跨国公司和世界500强企业,英特尔、叁星、LG、英国电信、联想, 惠普,摩托等。公司主要产品有:蓝牙3.0协议栈,全球最流行的蓝牙应用软件BlueSoleil(www.BlueSoleil.com),行销145个国家。在中国首届蓝牙峰会上,BlueSoleil获得创新金奖及用户喜爱产品金奖。国际首例推出并量产的应用于固网与移动融合(FMC)的蓝牙手机与网关,引发信息传播方式革命性改变的蓝牙多媒体发射仪,远程健康救助系统。其中“扁鹊飞救”远程健康救助系统于2009年5月被列入北京市第叁批自主创新产品,并在中国天鸽奖首届蓝牙创意设计大赛中荣获金奖。公司非常重视科研成果保护,形成了自主知识产权。公司于2004年在被选为“北京市专利试点单位”,2006年PCT国际专利申请位居北京市前十位。艾威梯公司现有管理人员有在国外学习及工作过的“海归”人士;技术人员约占全部员工的80%以上;在项目开发中,采用软件工程CMMI管理方法及六西格玛管理方法。Possessing proprietary intellectual property rights, IVT Corporation is a major global supplier of Bluetooth software, Fixed-Mobile Convergence terminal solutions, proximity marketing systems and mobile healthcare system. IVT is an associate member of Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), and has been actively involved in developing the Bluetooth standards on a number of Working Groups and Study Groups. Moreover, IVT is the unique organization in China (including Hong Kong, Marco and Taiwan) who participates in the development of Bluetooth core specifications. In the year 2008, IVT has been recognized by the Bluetooth SIG as one of major contributors on developing the latest Bluetooth technology, together with other famous companies such as Intel, IBM, Broadcom, Ericsson, Qualcomm, and etc.Since 1999, IVT has continually developed leading edge products. These include Bluetooth V3.0 host stack and profiles source code, application software BlueSoleil (www.BlueSoleil.com) which has shipped in excess of 30 million copies as of today to over one hundred and forty-five countries - for PCs, laptops, PDAs, MID, Personal Navigation Devices and Smart phones, Bluetooth CTP (Cordless Telephony Profile) enabled GSM phones, and PSTN/SIP/UMA Access Points, and mobile health care system. IVTs products and solutions are widely adopted with over one hundred and fifty customers worldwide, including Intel, Lenovo, HP, British Telecom, Motorola, Samsung, LG, Ricoh, Pansonic, Mitac, Wistron…. IVT also provides design services, interoperability testing services, and Bluetooth BQB qualification support via its Interoperability Testing Center. Many of the world leading Bluetooth chip makers, such as Accelsemi, Avago, CSR, 3DSP, Intel, Marvell, and ISSC work with IVT and supply IVT’s Bluetooth software to their customers; since 2008, IVT has become the Intel designated MID worldwide Bluetooth solution provider on Moblin.IVT has globally applied for 89 invention patents, including 57 domestic patents, 19 applications of PCT international patent, and 13 applications of overseas patent. IVT has also possessed 4 product-related software copyrights and 2 international trademarks.所述人员要求拥有良好的合作精神,请应聘者将简历按“职位名称-姓名-获知招聘信息渠道”为主题将邮件发至公司邮箱。